Monday, October 27, 2008


well had the lightest most relaxing weekend.
i rushed off after the presentation to catch a 5.30 train
i was hauling my backpack, a tent and bedroll
i was headin up to a friends from which a convoy of us where heading off to camp for the weekend.

had fun, got bruised from falls, burnt lip from fire while tasting marshmallowas but all in all a good time!!
better than the camping trips at the same time in previous 4 years.

final presentation

Pictures of final model:

oh so very tired.

we didnt end up seeing a reveiwer till 4.30 ish. and was rushed through our presentation as they ran out of time to see everybody.
i think i did okay. the only presentation comment i received was that the "sexy images" should be bigger as they are more evocative.
the comments on the design were few. Mark didnt question the ESD factors, which is good, means that there was no glaring ommissions!
he did like the use of elevations to show shadows but thought it could be done another way.
having problems uploading the posters so may have to redo them or something. not sure if its the net the deakin site, my files or what...

at least i to0k photos of them!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

bamboo "vegetal steel"

okay i know it getting pushed by Velez as a replacement for timber and steel.

but with loads of a tonne at least, due to 20kg lights, yes i checked, theres nothing smaller than 15kgs, and fly system, i had to use steel for some beams to take the pressure off.
still used bamboo beams everywhere else though.

i worked out about 20 lights a bar and 12 bars along a beam. and what with the failure point of bamboo beams being underside of the beam, i didnt think it was safe to use a relatively unknown system to carry high loads over childrens heads.

but for those interested...

solar studies - vernal equinox, hall between two structures

Thursday, October 9, 2008


laminated bamboo beam profiles

Im looking at having all the lightweight cladding in bamboo for my design.
yes i may as well give up, i'm the 'bamboo lady':) no fighting it .
so seeing as thats the case, i thought i would use as much bamboo in the design as possible
including the beams for floors and roofs.
The roofs are splaying out from the lightwell, giving the building the look of a flower from above, but it also reduces the height of the building, the pedestrian bulk so to speak.which makes the scale of the buiolding more comfortable.
the angle odf the roofs is to maximise light and space in the north half and increaswe seating space in the auditorium.


well that was moderatly helpful

the lecture from nick peirce was inspiring, i would have liked to talk longer with him or have him look at my project.

we had nobody come and sit with us at the tute sessions
i had to go find someone
and by that time Pete Wollard was free.
so instead of picking the brain of an engineer, like i needed.
we had Peter discuss the masterplan, and the others designs, saying they shouldnt have skillion roofs, and we need to limit our material palette, and looking at our form.
i'm happy with my form.

i'm up to trying to get more ESD in my design.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

hooray for bruises!!!

i came 4th in the PanPAcific Brazilian Jiujitsu Championships.

it was on last saturday.
i was nervous all week
and almost fell asleep from adrenelin just before my first match.
after the first bout my stomach ached!
after the second i wanted to go again!

I may have been beaten by a victorian and a queenslander, but i acheived what i wanted to acheive.

and i'm still admring the bruise i got on my chest from my opponents fist.